Open Burning and Air Quality Protection

Open burning is regulated in Madeira and Indian Hill.  You are “open burning” any time you light an outdoor fire.  Respect for our neighbors and our environment (air quality, global warming, etc.) dictate adherence to the below guidelines for open burning.

Fires permitted WITHOUT A PERMIT or notification:

    • Campfires, outdoor fireplace equipment (fires for cooking, warmth, or recreational purposes)
    • Must be fueled with clean, seasoned firewood
    • May not exceed 3ft. x 2ft.


  • They may not cause a nuisance to neighbors
  • Must be 25ft. from structure or in an approved container AND 15ft. away

*Above fires must not be used for waste disposal

Fires permitted WITH A PERMIT from Madeira & Indian Hill Joint Fire District AND With prior notification to Ohio EPA or Hamilton County Environmental Services:

  • Agricultural waste (from farming/agricultural operations only)
  • The fire must be located at a point on the property which is at least 1,000ft. from the nearest inhabited neighboring residence
  • The waste must be generated on the premises (waste may not be hauled in from off-site)
  • Bonfires/Ceremonial fires – not exceeding 5ft. x 5ft.
  • May not burn for longer than 3 hours and MUST BE CONSTANTLY ATTENDED
  • May not be used for waste disposal purposes
  • Must be 50ft. from structure unless contained

Fires permitted WITH A PERMIT from Madeira & Indian Hill Joint Fire District AND With written permission from Ohio EPA or Hamilton County Environmental Services:

  • Fire training
  • Range, horticultural or wildlife management
  • Limited circumstances w/ OEPA approval

Open Burning Permits are issued by the Joint Fire District when above regulations are met and there are no state restrictions issued due to air quality or other weather conditions.

Applications for Open Burning Permit are processed at our Indian Hill Station, located at 6475 Drake Rd.